完/Art Museums

III. _ 2. Vision of the Governmental Policy

Moam Collection 2010. 2. 6. 05:31

Art Museums
Their History, Present Situation and Vision:

the case of the Republic of Korea : through historical survey, the case studies of private art museums and the "Mo-am Collection"


 The National Assembly of Korea (국회)


The Korean government is seeking diverse ways for the development of Korean art museums, including private Korean art museums, through the Arts Policy Team, Arts Bureau of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Art Museum Policy Division of the National Museum of Contemporary Art. Even though the Korean government does not plan to support directly to private Korean art museums, the government plans to increase the amount of budget for art museums and support private art museums through the MOCA and the Korean Museum Association for organizing qualified art exhibitions and related art activities. In my view, the government might be essential to increase the fund for private Korean art museums and operate properly the fund. For the purpose, an independent government organization for art museum policy, including museum policy and administration would be crucial. I carefully suggest the foundation of a special governmental art policy organization to the Korean government83.

When I interviewed Dr. Kyung-geun Lee and Mr. Jae-myun Lee, Director and Deputy Director of the Corporation Tax Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, they mentioned the symposium about the vitalization of donation to museums and art museums organized by the Research Institute of the National Assembly of Korea, on Jan. 12th, 200784. They had a lot of deep discussions with representatives of Korean museums and art museums. The main issue of the symposium is about the rate of the tax exemption of donations by individuals and mainly Korean commercial enterprises. The Korean government is offering regular tax exemption for individual and corporation donors. However, representatives of Korean museums and art museums are requesting to increase the rate of tax exemption for the vitalization of donations. Especially, the representatives of Korean art museums request the tax exemption, besides income deduction, and the increase of the limit of donation. The Korean government dubious that their inquiries could be effective. But, Dr. Kyung-geun Lee and Mr. Jae-myun Lee mentioned that the government is seriously considering finding a way to support private art museums. In my view, it might be important to set an effective donation system for the self-reliance of private Korean art museums. Hence, it might be useful for the government to go over the present policy for tax with the members of Korean museums and Korean art museums.

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