History of Art/Art in Japan

Taisho Art

Moam Collection 2010. 2. 28. 06:21

Taisho Art


 Landscape by Kishida Ryusei


The Taishō period saw the predominance of Yōga over Nihonga. After long stays in Europe, many artists (including Arishima Ikuma) returned to Japan during the Taishō period, bringing with them the techniques of impressionism and early post-impressionism. The works of Camille Pissarro, Paul Cezanne and Pierre Auguste Renoir influenced early Taishō period paintings. However, yōga artists in the Taishō period also tended towards eclecticism, and there was a profusion of dissident artistic movements. These included the Fusain Society (Fyuzankai) which emphasized styles of post-impressionism, especially fauvism. In 1914, the Nikakai (Second Division Society) emerged to oppose the government-sponsored Bunten Exihibition.


Japanese painting during the Taishō period was only mildly influenced by other contemporary European movements, such as neoclassicism and late post-impressionism.


However, interestingly it was resurgent Nihonga, towards the end of the Taishō period, which adopted certain trends from post-impressionism. The second generation of Nihonga artists formed the Japan Fine Arts Academy (Nihon Bijutsuin) to compete against the government-sponsored Bunten, and although yamato-e traditions remained strong, the increasing use of western perspective, and western concepts of space and light began to blur the distinction between Nihonga and yōga.

Important artists in the Taishō period include:


  • Kishida Ryusei (1891-1929)
  • Yorozu Tetsugoro (1885-1927)
  • Yokoyama Taikan (1868-1958)
  • Shimomura Kanzan (1873-1930)
  • Hishida Shunso (1874-1911)
  • Maeda Seison (1885-1977)
  • Imamura Shiro (1880-1916)
  • Tomita Keisen (1879-1936)
  • Koide Narashige (1887-1931)
  • Hayami Gyoshu (1894-1935)
  • Kawabata Ryushi (1885-1966)
  • Tsuchida Hakusen (1887-1936)
  • Murakami Kagaku (1888-1939)
  • Itō Shinsui 伊東深水 1898-1972
  • Kaburaki Kiyokata 鏑木清方 1878-1972
  • Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二 1884-1934
  • Uemura Shoko 上村松篁 1902-2001
  • (Wikipedia)



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