完/The Final Exit


Moam Collection 2010. 1. 17. 19:39





1. Clement Greenberg (edited by Robert C. Morgan), Clement Greenberg:
Late Writings (Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press, 2003)
2. Clement Greenberg, Homemade Esthetics: Observations on Art and Taste
(New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999)
3. James D. Herbert,“ The Political Origins of Abstract-expressionist Art
Criticism: The Early Theoretical and Critical Writings of Clement
Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg,”Stanford, California; Stanford Honors
Essay in Humanities, No. 28
4. Florence Rubenfeld, Clement Greenberg: A Life (New York; Scribner,
5. Donald B. Kuspit, Clement Greenberg: Art Critic (Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1979)
6. Clement Greenberg (edited by Janice Van Horne), The Harold Letters 1928
~ 1943; The Making of An American Intellectual (New York: Counterpoint,
7. Thierry De Duve (Translated by Brian Holmes), Clement Greenberg
Between The Lines: Including A Previously Unpublished Debate With
Clement Greenberg (Paris: Editions Dis Voir, 1996)


Books for Asian Art
1. Oh, Se-Chang (Editor), Kyun-Yeck-So-Hwa-Jing(Seoul: Dae-Dong
Publishing Co. 1928)
Oh, Se-Chang (Editor), Kyun-Yeck-So-Hwa-Jing (Vol. 1 - 3) (Seoul:
Sigongsa., 1998)
2. Chung-Hee Kim, Wan-Dang-Jeon-Jip (Korean version, Vol. 1 - 10) (Seoul:
Sol Publishing Co., 1996)
3. Young-Jae Lee and Yong Su Lee, The Genuine Works of Chung-Hee Kim
(Seoul: Durimedia, 2005)
4. Kang-Ho Lee, Korean Classical Paintings and Calligraphies (Seoul: Sam-
Hwa Publishing Co., 1979)
5. Young-Jae Lee, The Genuine Works of Chung-Hee Kim (Seoul: Sung-Jin
Publishing Co., 1988)
6. Ki-Baek Lee, A New History of Korea (Seoul: Il-Ji Publishing Co. &
Harvard University Press, 1984)


1. Clement Greenberg“, Avant-Garde And Kitsch,”The Partisan Review,
2. Clement Greenberg“, Collage,”Art and Culture, substantially revised from
an article in Art News, September, 1958
3. Clement Greenberg“, Modernist Painting,”Forum Lectures (Washington,
D.C.: Voice of America), 1960
4. Clement Greenberg“, Hans Hoffman,”Paris: Editions Georges Fall, 1961
5. Clement Greenberg“, Avant Garde Attitudes,”The John Power Lecture In
Contemporary Art, Sydney: The University of Sydney, 1968
6. Clement Greenberg“, Detached Observations,”Arts Magazine, Dec, 1976
7. Clement Greenberg“, Influences of Matisse,”The Essay in the exhibition at
Acquavella Galleries, New York, 1973
8. Clement Greenberg“, Oshawa Interview with Allan Walkinshaw,”Oshawa:
The Robert Mclaughlin Gallery, 1978
9. Clement Greenberg“, Modern and Postmodern,”William Dobell Memorial
Lecture, Sydney, Australia, Oct 31, 1979
10. Clement Greenberg“, Autonomies of Art,”Moral Philosophy and Art
Symposium, Mountain Lake, Virginia, October, 1980
11. Clement Greenberg“, Taste,”Lecture at the Western Michigan University,
Jan 18, 1983
12. Clement Greenberg“, Edmonton Interview with Russell Bingham,”The
Edmonton Contemporary Artists’Society Newsletter Vol. 3, Issue 2 &
Vol. 4 Issue 1, Edmonton, 1991

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